Menendez Latest in Long Line of Criminal Anti-Gun Democrats to Become ‘Prohibited Persons’

Corrupt Bob Menendez at work swindling the willingly deluded out of their rights… (Senator Bob Menendez/Facebook)

“Sen. Bob Menendez convicted of all charges, including accepting bribes paid in cash, gold and a car,” the Associated Press reported Tuesday. The verdict is the culmination of a nine-week trial in which prosecutors also presented evidence showing the New Jersey Democrat “acting as a foreign agent for the Egyptian government … protect[ing] allies from criminal investigations … and helping that country access millions of dollars in U.S. military aid.”

Menendez, unsurprisingly, maintains his innocence, claims he has “never been anything but a patriot of my country and for my country.” He maintained it before, and it “worked”:

“Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bob Hugin has begun airing a commercial that brings up six-year-old anonymous allegations that Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) had sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic, even though several women later said they were paid to lie about the senator.”

Well then, it’s settled. If we can’t believe promiscuous criminal girls who admit they lie for the highest bidder, who can we believe? I mean, it’s not like he had powerful connections, or an illicit fortune to work with…

Allegations of extramarital escapades dovetail with Menendez’s attornies blaming his wife, Nadine, for gold bars seized by FBI agents. The lawyers say, “the gold belonged to his wife, and she had kept him in the dark about financial troubles so grim that she nearly lost the home to foreclosure.”

She too has been charged, “but her trial was postponed so she could recover from breast cancer surgery.” Interestingly, while dating Menendez in 2018, she struck and killed a pedestrian with her Mercedes-Benz, but the police investigation cleared her and blamed the victim for “jaywalking.” Noting the Senator’s penchant for citizen disarmament, it seems fair to adapt an old Teddy Kennedy bumper sticker :

“Bob Menendez’s wife has killed more people than my gun.”

“Penchant” is too soft a term. The guy’s a fanatic about gun-grabbing. Considering the lame excuse that he hoarded money because his parents escaped from Cuba’s ¿Armas para que? Communist tyranny, to see him try to impose that on the nation they fled to is especially offensive.

And impose he has. From his “Gun Violence Prevention” page, introducing a list of infringements he has sponsored that have prevented nothing but citizens being able to claim their birthrights:

“Bob has been a tireless advocate for common-sense gun violence prevention measures that save lives. From supporting the original Assault Weapons Ban in 1994 to authoring the Keep Americans Safe Act to ban high-capacity magazines that hold more than ten rounds of ammunition and are designed for shooting en masse, and recently cosponsoring the Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act, a comprehensive bill that works to end the epidemic of gun violence in America, Bob continues to push for meaningful actions before another senseless tragedy tears families apart.”

So, there’s a bit of “hoist with his own petard” schadenfreude to note that, if his conviction is upheld against appeal and he ever gets out of prison, Menendez will be a “prohibited person,” forbidden by laws he supported to own a gun. Remember, this is the guy who said “Throw ‘em into prison for five years” if out-of-state concealed carry permit holders mistakenly entered New Jersey with a firearm.

And he’s hardly the first anti-gun (for you) Democrat now prohibited for life (unwilling to relinquish power, Menendez filed for reelection as an “independent” due to the criminal charges).

They’re too numerous to list here, but the first group that comes to mind are the Bloomberg mayor criminals for “gun control” who “were convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, assorted crimes that include embezzlement, perjury, bribery, extortion, fraud, money laundering, attempted child molestation and child pornography.” That was back in 2013, and more have been added.

Then there was gun-grabbing California Democrat  State Senator Leland Yee, who “plead guilty to racketeering charges in connection with allegations that he accepted bribes to engage in illegal gun running operations.” And Chicago Democrat Alderman Ed Burke, “an ardent supporter of gun control” who was “found guilty … of racketeering, bribery and attempted extortion.”

There are plenty more, but the point is made. Citizen disarmament has no more zealous supporters than corrupt, criminal Democrats.

Menendez is the latest, but he won’t be the last.

About David Codrea:David Codrea
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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Henry Bowman

Menendez is hands-down the most corrupt Democrat of all time. His corruption is more than legendary, it’s astonishing; never has a Democrat been so openly corrupt and gone as long as he has without facing justice! In truth, his fame for corruption was his own undoing. If you’re going to be a crook, you gotta keep it on the DL like the Clintons have done, and in case you snag on a whistleblower or two, then like the Clintons you’ll need a discreet and extremely professional hitman, for that is the price of greed.


Sorry to say this man as been acting above the law and beyond the law. Behind closed doors what he and his fellow democrats have done at to date remains unknown. He escaped justice on 18 federal counts once before this time I hope now charged with his crimes he goes to jail. The fact that he hopes to run as a independent in the next election says a lot about who the man believes he is. Just another elected who is nothing more than a career criminal earning a paycheck on the taxpayer hard earned money. He should have… Read more »


they dont want others to have guns because they are worried they might get shot doing one of their illegal things

Henry Bowman

…Things like turning America into a communist police state and rounding up non-progs to send them to the GULAG!


I say this, he is a convicted felon. I think he has guns in his house that need to be removed because he might be part of a gun ring too though he has not been convicted of it YET. So, let the ATF give him the Bryan Malinowski treatment and have MSNBC and NBC and ABC and CBS there when they murder him serving the warrant. It would be a dam good investment of bullets IMO or this traitor should hang for treason or be the end result of a firing squad. “He needs to be put in the… Read more »


2018 Republican congressional candidate Steve Lonegan said Friday he plans to seek criminal charges against Sen. Bob Menendez for briefly holding a display gun at a press conference while standing next to a county sheriff.Lonegan said Menendez (D-N.J.) violated New Jersey’s strict law on gun possession when he picked up an unloaded and tagged AR-15-style rifle from a display table during a press conference last month and held it for less than 20 seconds. Lonegan cites a New Jersey statute which states that anyone in possession of a rifle or shotgun “without having first obtained a firearms purchaser identification card …“ is guilty of… Read more »


Gee, I hope that works. It makes me think of a time when someone took an AR into the house or senate and they raised a big stink about it and some wanted to prosecute but what happened? Nothing, just like normal because the laws for thee and not for me applied.


hang not worth the powder, billery and bidumb should be in same gallows


He got away with the same crime before, maybe he thought he was immune to the law.


this one is as guilty as he is progressive. hopefully some time inside will help, doubt it, buy hey we can think positively.


If there were any justice when it comes to democrats, he’d never see the light of day as a free man in his lifetime. Look for a full pardon from Biden before he gets run out of office.


He’ll probably appeal the conviction and hire Jack Smith as his defense attny., who now has some time on his hands, and offer to pay him in gold-under the table of course….


You can tell when a Democrap is lying when they open their mouth to speak any and all Democraps couldn’t tell the truth if it bit them in the ass, Menendez is just one example of lying Treasonous Democrats FJB on down the line


This turd muffin should have been gone a long ago!!!


The only positive thing to be said about this worm is somehow, he’s got one fine looking daughter!